Legal Disclaimers

No Attorney Client Relationship Created

Your review or use of this web site, and its information and links, does not create an attorney-client relationship or any attorney-client privilege. However, we will treat any information you provide or communication you have with us as privileged and confidential, to the extent normally provided under applicable laws.

Only General Information Provided

The information contained in this website is general in nature and intended for informational purposes only. You should not rely on it as professional legal advice to make any legal decision, or to take any legal action.

No Specific Legal Advice Provided

Neither our provision of information in this website, nor your review or use of this web site, and its information and links, creates any fact, case, client, or matter specific legal advice.

State and Federal Laws Differ

The information contained in this website is general in nature and intended for informational purposes only. Laws, rules, and regulations of and between the various Local Municipalities, Counties, States, and the Federal Government, vary and differ widely. You should not rely on any information contained in this website as professional legal advice to make any legal decision, or to take any legal action regarding any law, rule, regulation, right, or obligation.